Monday, January 3, 2011

dim the lights, camera rolling...

welcome to the night owl oscar club!
a little group i made up
because i love to watch the oscars
but i hate watching when i've only
seen one or two nominated movies...

i have a family
& am pretty busy during the day...
the evening is family & dinner & all of that
so going to the late showing
(after everyone is in bed)
works really well
& i'm hoping it will work for you, too, my movie fan friends :)

the night owl oscar club (NOOC)
meets every tuesday night
& the showing will always be after 9pm

i've made a schedule
of movies to see
(with the help of entertainment weekly)
& if you live in the eugene, oregon area
you can join us to watch the movie...
(the time & location will be posted by friday each week)

if you don't live near
you can still follow along!
grab a friend
& make your own night owl club...
super fun :)

after we watch the movie
i'll do a post about what i think...
a little review, if you will :)
& i would love your reviews too!
so feel free to give your opinion
& your opinion of my opinion :)

you can email me
or comment here
with questions

love view...
(get it? :)


  1. Oh I so want to do this!! I've been wanting to see the King's Speech, too. I'll try to be there!

  2. you're doing it! you're really really doing it!
    oh how i wish i could come!
    my up-at-4-am work schedule might not lend itself well to the idea tho.
    it is heartbreaking to me that i am not in on this...
    but you know that i am with you in spirit! and who knows, i might just surprise you one night!
