Friday, February 18, 2011

blue valentine...

this is gonna be a short one...

wherever i go
i bring my notebook with me
just in case i hear or see or think up
so of course this includes the movies...
& the poor friends who sit by me...
they have to endure my little 'scritch, scritch, scritch'
every once in a while...
some of the movies have filled an entire page
(the social network)
for 'blue valentine' about 10 minutes in i wrote
'really uncomfortable'
& then about halfway through
joanna said
'this is really uncomfortable'
so i think that's my review:
really uncomfortable.

so let's look at some pictures...

this one isn't actually even a scene in the movie
but i love the polaroid aspect...

this isn't in the movie either...
at a premiere i imagine
but don't they look kennedy-esque?

though i'm pretty sure jfk would have shaved before a premiere...

michelle williams & ryan gosling
are both really incredible actors
& i think it's a compliment to them that
the movie was so uncomfortable...
the life they were living was not comfortable
the things they were going through were not comfortable...

it was good...
but uncomfortable :)

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